9mm PARA White tip

Munizioni fino a 20mm
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Iscritto il: 14/10/2012, 15:12

9mm PARA White tip

Messaggio da DerkJan »

Good afternoon,
In the book "SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION IDENTIFICATION CODES" written by E.L. Scranton I found the following information. ( see attachment )
I've never heard of it or read it before.
Does anyone have more information about this tip color.
Thanks in advance
Scan_20210214 (2).jpg
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Scan_20210214 (2).jpg
Scan_20210214 (2).jpg (73.01 KiB) Visto 684 volte
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Iscritto il: 27/12/2020, 11:45

Re: 9mm PARA White tip

Messaggio da Eugenio »

You asked about white tip, so...

It was also used in (small arms but not only in 9P):

Tracer projectiles: Sweden (post 1941), Finland, France (pre 1958); UK (on .280; .283/30 and 7 mm ammo)
Armour piercing projectiels: Czechoslovakia
Grenade launcher cartridge: Argentina
Incendiary cart.: Argentina (old system)
Break-up canon projectile: Argentina
Ball with mild-steel core: China (pre 1967)
AP: Japan (on 7.7x56 ammo)
Short range tracer: UK
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Messaggi: 39
Iscritto il: 14/10/2012, 15:12

Re: 9mm PARA White tip

Messaggio da DerkJan »

Thanks for the information.
I like to know if it's true, what Scranton writes about the German 9mm with a white bullet tip used in the Italian army.
Best regards Derk Jan
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Re: 9mm PARA White tip

Messaggio da OLD1973 »

Hi guys,
have a look here please, it may be helpful
http://www.munizioni.eu/component/conte ... dit&id=319

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Re: 9mm PARA White tip

Messaggio da giovanni »

Hi Eugenio
I would be very interested, for my studies, if you could show a photo of the
"AP: Japan (on 7.7x56 ammo)"
with white tip

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